Be Common Core Ready with Adaptive Curriculum
Your Transition Starts Now
It's go time. Regardless of where you are with CCSS integration, Adaptive Curriculum is aligned and we're here to help you prepare right now.
With AC Math online interactive resources, you are ready to:
Inspire Teachers to Adjust to CCSS
Motivate Students to Learn Differently
Maintain Your Current Instructional Materials
Innovate Your Classrooms

- Students sat in their seats
- Students worked independently
- Multiple-choice assessments
- Students depended on the execution of processes
- Curriculum defined by the textbook
- Accountability by subgroup (NCLB)
- More standards than time allowed for instruction

- Students interact with others
- Students talk about what they are doing
- Item variety in assessment/questions
- Emphasis on deep conceptual learning
- Hands-on activities that lead to understanding
- Fewer, higher, and clearer standards
- Students construct viable arguments and critique
the reasoning of others
Address the Common Core Math Practices with Adaptive Curriculum

AC Math allows students to:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively
- Model with mathematics
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others
- Use appropriate tools strategically
- Attend to precision
- Look for and make use of structure
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning